Why Get Your Windows Cleaned

We all like to be DIY kings and queens but sometimes there are certain chores around the house that should be left to the professionals. Window Cleaning is one of those chores that require certain tools and expertise to produce the best results. There are many pros to hiring a professional to get your windows cleaned. Hiring a professional to clean your windows will save you time, save you money, will help the longevity of your window, keep you safe, and produce great results.
No matter who you are, we all only have 24 hours in a day. Most of us are extremely busy and have more important things to give our attention to rather than cleaning the windows. A normal window cleaning job with one person can take 3-4 hours for a standard two-story home. This can be a time consuming project for any homeowner if there is no previous experience on how to handle all kinds of windows. Some windows can be very difficult to work with and can be very time consuming. Storm Windows are a perfect example of a difficult window. Storm windows have a total of four sides of glass that need to be cleaned and most often the fittings to these windows are not always easy to deal with. Cleaning your windows may seem like an easy task but there can be a lot of small issues that can arise and become very time consuming. Hiring a professional can save you a lot of time as a homeowner and in turn will give you more time for the things that matter most.
Most homeowners fear that hiring a professional window cleaner will be too expensive and will not be worth it. Hiring a professional can actually save you money immediately versus doing it yourself. If you want to do it yourself the right way some window cleaning tools can be very costly and often only be used once a year. Even with the correct tools, it requires some extensive practice to know how to properly use a squeegee and get gleaming results. (Most window cleaning companies actually set aside at least 6 months for a part time employee to train on using a squeegee and other window cleaning tools.) Learning how to squeegee your own windows can cause frustration and will lead to poor results along with wasting your precious time. Don’t go wasting money on exceptional tools for average results, instead hiring a professional with guaranteed gleaming results is the way to go.
Getting your windows cleaned at least once a year can also help with the longevity of your windows. Any debris left for long periods of time can lead to scratches if not cleaned properly and having windows repaired is much more expensive than having your windows cleaned. Hard water stains can occur as well if the window is in direct sunlight for certain periods of time. Those hard water stains are very difficult to remove and often require expensive chemicals to remove them completely. Lastly, getting your windows cleaned properly will help keep the window seals in a healthy condition. A broken window seal is very obvious and can be very obnoxious to look at. Hiring a professional at least once a year to clean your windows can help keep your windows in good shape and will help push off the big ticket of replacing your windows.
Cleaning the outside of the windows can be tricky sometimes and can be a safety hazard if not done in a safe manner. Some outside windows will require ladder work and sometimes even require getting on the roof. Both of those options can lead to serious injury if not properly trained on how to handle being on a roof or ladder. Being on a steep roof can require you to be in a harness to feel safe enough to complete the window cleaning, but having a harness laying around in the garage is not very common amongst homeowners. Ladder work can be intimidating as well if you do not have the proper ladder set up and if you are inexperienced with ladders. I know what you are thinking, “I can just spray them down with water and they will be fine”; that can lead to some trouble down the road. Using pressure to clean windows, whether a garden hose or pressure washer, can lead to broken seals and sometimes even breaking the window pane itself. This is not something you constantly want to do to your windows as it can be very costly in the end.
Like most homeowners, Windex and paper towels seem to be the go to when cleaning windows. Although it can help clean the windows and remove any dirt or debris, it is more than likely to leave streaks behind that are very visible in the sunlight. Newspapers can be an effective way to clean windows as well with less chances of leaving streaks but we are seeing that less and less newspapers are arriving at your homes. Ultimately, using a squeegee is going to provide the best results and by hiring a professional you are hiring someone with experience and knowledge of how to use a squeegee properly and not leaving behind streaks.
In conclusion, you can pick up your windex and paper towels and get to cleaning or you can save yourself time, money, and headache by hiring a professional window cleaner to help get the job done. Then when they pack up and leave you can enjoy those great views through clear, streak free, window panes.
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Why Get Your Windows Cleaned
We all like to be DIY kings and queens but sometimes there are certain chores around the house that should be left to the professionals. Window Cleaning is one of those chores that require certain tools and expertise to produce the best results. There are many […]